About us

UnemployedNet is a site dedicated to supporting unemployed and economically inactive (those who aren’t working or looking for work) people in a range of ways. We want to make life more bearable during these difficult times, through supporting your search for work, providing guidance on living on a low income, a training and education database, giving opportunities for you to blog on your experiences, and also campaigning to try to make the world outside your door more understanding of the problems unemployment brings.

From 2007 to 2011 more than one million extra people have become unemployed. It is obviously wrong for some to talk of ‘scroungers’ or ‘spongers’ when describing unemployed people when the economy is entirely responsible for this increase; we will work to change these attitudes.

The hostility of too many around us erodes our confidence, offends our sense of justice and makes it harder for us to break the cycle and gain work or improve our circumstances. We believe that government, media, companies, and those who provide services to unemployed and economically inactive people have a part to play in improving the world around us.

With your help we will campaign, persuade, and lobby all of these organisations to try to improve the way we are treated, and we will report progress to you at every stage. We aren’t affiliated with any political party; we are free to lobby all of them to get the best deal for all unemployed and economically inactive people. We aren’t extremists, and, having worked across public, private and voluntary sectors and with unemployed people and businesses for many years, we understand that reasonable discussion and co-operative partnerships are the best ways to get real change.

Everyone who writes here is or has been unemployed and/or economically inactive. We understand the issues and can represent them properly because we have been there. We want to represent you and we're very keen to get as much feedback as possible, so please email us with any feedback you might have about our work and information. We're keen to hear about how you found the site to use and navigate, what other information and support you would find useful, and whether there are events and sources that we've missed. You can explore our site, and we'll also bring the best of our content to you.

Please register with us and we can mail you with important announcements, news, and the best of the week on Unemployed Net. You can also follow us on Twitter, and like us on Facebook to keep on top of the latest news and information on unemployment and economic inactivity.
