How to use My Homepage

My Homepage
Welcome to your Homepage. You can use this to keep your Jobsearch Diary,as a record of all you do to look for work, keep employment contacts, including details of employers you have met and companies you have researched or applied to, and write a blog, which records your experiences of unemployment and anything else you want to include.

Jobsearch Diary
The Jobsearch Diary can be used to record all of the activities you undertake in your search for work, including research, networking, training, sending CVs and completing applications, interview dates and results, and anything else you do. This can be helpful to help you keep track of this work, to see what is working and what you should be doing more of.
If you are on Jobseeker’s Allowance you can print the Diary and bring it to Jobcentre Plus as evidence for your claim. Jobcentre Plus require this evidence and a good system such as this is likely to make your fortnightly signing on easier.
The Jobsearch Diary is simple to keep. When you click on My Homepage in the top toolbar the Diary should display, and you can see what you have been doing all week and what appointments or activities you have coming up. If you want to see the Diary in a full page view, click on the ‘view my Jobsearch Diary’ button.

To add an activity just click on the ‘add a jobsearch activity’ button and click through the buttons. If the contact is new then you will be asked to complete details on it, and these will automatically be entered in to your Contacts Database. If you want to add more information on the entry there is a box at the bottom for this. When you click on an appointment box on the Diary, full detail of it will appear on screen.

My Contacts
The Contacts Database can be used to record all of your employment and training contacts. It is useful to keep track of all those you have contacted, to help you remember what you have done with each company and who you have spoken to.
It is recommended that, if you have narrowed your jobsearch down to a specific group of companies, you contact them every three months to update them on your availability and new skills and ask about any work they have. You can add reminders to your Jobsearch Diary to help you remember when to do this.

My Blog
Your Homepage lets you write a Blog which you can use to record your experiences of unemployment, your feelings about how you are dealing with it and anything else you’d like to go back and read again later. By reading back over your Blogs you can see how your attitudes have changed, how you have developed and what has been working and not working in moving towards a job.
You can choose to publish your Blog on site so that other UnemployedNet users can read it and leave comments. If you have advice for others this is a good way to share it, to help them benefit from your experiences and fulfil the site aim for unemployed people to support each other to improve their chances of getting work and to improve their lives.

To print or email your Jobsearch Diary, Contacts or Blog, just click on the button in the top box, choose the dates which cover the period you want to email, enter the email address of the person or people you want to send it to (like your Jobcentre Plus or Work Programme advisor), and write a note in the space provided to tell them who you are and what you're sending. The site will do the rest.
